Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Figure Work

So this is also a collection of some of the artwork I've done in Figure Drawing. Its one of my favriote classes and like my sketchbook I'll try to keep up with as much as I can.

Sketchbook Stuff

Started a new sketchbook, I'm just gonna add updates of it from time to time. So ill try to keep up with it and upload whenever I can. Most of it just stuff i see and impose it in different ways. For example one page is a bunch of hands on each other, those are just mine in different angles, i drew them to look like they were having sex, so i call them "Sex Hands"that's one of the ways I come up with ideas.



First Illustration Project!

So we got our first Illustration project about a week ago, The project was to choose a phobia one of our own or just one in general and illustrate it with only black and white media. I decided to use Ink washes along with various sizes of Copic Pens.


Media Project!

This is the final product of our Media Class. The goal here was to pick an animal in the sea and recreate it using only pen and ink. I think it turned out pretty successful.